Thursday, February 15, 2007

American Attic, Fall 2002

That fall after my second summer at Historic Philadelphia, Dominic Scudera called me to audtion for this childrens show called American Attic. Dominic was one of the directors at HPI and he was now working with Fictitious Theatre Company on this show. Amercan Attic was about four kids who find all these historic artifacts in an attic and begin to act out famous historic events. It opened September 24th at the Ethical Society downtown. The cast was Laura Gross, Owen Timoney, Laura Gross and Victoria Hines. Victoria and I worked at HPI the past two years and we were really cool. After the show closed next up was the National Tour of The Top of the Moutain with Sail Productions. They really liked my worked in Harriet Tubman and cast me as the lead in the tour that summer. This musical was about the Civils Rights Movement. I was very excited about it! It was going to be my last tour so it had to be my best! Well it didn't start out that way...

1 comment:

Jemilah said...

Interesting! I remember you having to be gone for six weeks. Didn't Shavonne go and visit you while on tour. I remember talking to her about that at the time. Also, you totally breezed over your wedding. I realize this blog is about your acting career, but I don't know if you realize this, but I have no idea how it went, what happened, what you thought about it etc. Do tell!