Monday, January 15, 2007

Historic Philadelphia: Summer of 2001 and 2002

It was right before The Secret Garden closed. I had auditioned for Historic Philadelphia in Feburary. HPI is an outdoor theatre company based on Olde City Philadelphia. They hired actors to perform in short "playlets" for tourists about life in 18th century Philadelphia. They also hired actors to be "personas". They were given charecters from the 18th century and would interact with tourists. It was a great summer gig for actors in the Philadelphia theatre community. It paid well and you were under contract from April to Labor Day. We had to dress in colonial costumes and performed outside at historical sites like Signers Garden, Hamilton Green and The African-American Museum to name a few. It was during the summer so it was hot! But I loved it. I did it for two summers, 2001 and 2002. The fall of 2001 was coming up and proved to be very challenging. I was getting married to Shavonne in December and things weren't coming together like we had planned...


Unknown said...

Hey Man
I LOVE your blog! How are you guys doing? I will call you this weekend.
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Hey Couz!
Great site, I'm so proud of you for fulfilling your dreams!

Much Love,
